
Varied button sizes and designs with the power to customise every single pixel


Customise the look by easily changing variable values in Sass. See the documentation to view various possibilities.

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Default Buttons With Different Color Classes

Use all color classes just as you would while using bootstrap to create buttons of different colors. With an added .wdpk-button class add the missing functionality and control every pixel of your buttons with WoodPecker® Sass.

Outline Buttons

Just as you would with bootstrap use .btn-outline-* class to create outline buttons and add .wdpk-button class for WoodPecker® addon functionality.

Buttons With Icons

With fontawesome included use any icons that you want within your buttons

Buttons With Gradient Backgrounds

By adding an additional class .wdpk-button-gradient you can create beautiful gradient buttons with custom or default colors.

Block Buttons Along With Sizes

Use the Bootstrap Default Block button classes .btn-block to any size of the button to make it a block button and the parameters of the large button can be changed by updating WoodPeckers SCSS variables. This gives you the flexibility of using the Bootstrapdefault sizes but also having the ability to override the defaults as well