Thank You

Thank you for being a customer and purchasing WoodPecker. We created the documentation to be as detailed as possible. WoodPecker helps you reduced your development time by providing you a unified API for working with various Javascript components.

Prerequisites - Before You Start Working With WoodPecker®

Before you start working with WoodPecker® please note that the following are the prerequisites of working with WoodPecker®.

  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS.
  • Basic knowledge of working with Sass (Preferred To Unleash Thee Full Potential Of The Theme).
  • Basic Javascript Knowledge to use the components.
  • That's it! You are good to go.
Seeking Support

We would be happy to help you just in case you face any problem with WoodPecker®. The documentation is detailed and has been developed with the intent to resolve your queries. Please check the documentation properly to ensure that the solution to the problem that you are facing has not been documented already. Still, if your problem is not resolved feel free to raise a support ticket and we would be happy to help you.

Raise A Support Ticket

Sass As The Css Pre-Processor

Though all the css files have been compiled into individual files as well as concatenated and minified versions as well, we would still recommend using Sass to modify any core attributes for the files. More details on how to use Sass can be found on the following link:

Sass variables API Documentation

The main strength of WoodPecker is the ability it gives to the developer to customize the theme by just changing the values of a few Sass variables. Once you change the value it generates a new CSS files and hence providing you with a new unique version of WoodPecker to work with, each time for each of your projects. We have documented each and every variable and the WoodPecker Sass Variable Documentation can be checked for the same.

WoodPecker Sass API Documentation

Directory Structure

Once you download and unzip the contents of the WoodPecker® HTML Theme this is the directory structure which can help you find the relevant content.


                ├── WoodPecker
                │   ├── dist                    -   (Main Folder To Start Working With)
                │       └── _dependencies       -   (Contains on all the dependencies)
                │       └── assets
                │           ├── js              -   (Contains all javascript modules and javascript dependencies)
                │           └── custom.js       -   (Custom javascript file that can be included to write your own javascript)
                │       └── css
                │           ├── style.css       -   (Final CSS file which compiles from the style.scss)
                │           └── style.scss      -   (Scss file which includes all the WoodPecker Scss partials and finally compiles to style.css)
                │           └── fonts
                │               └── font files  -   (Font files certain libraries depend on)
                │           └── img
                │               └── images      -   (Images certain libraries depend on)
                │       ├── sass                -   (Contains all scss files)
                │       ├── gulpfile.js         -   (Gulp configuration file)
                │       ├── package.json        -   (Configuration file for npm)
                │       └── index.html          -   (Default HTML boilerplate to start working with)
                │   ├── documentation           -   (Documentation files for WoodPecker®)
                │   ├── template                -   (The main theme folder)
                │   ├── demos                   -   (Contains all the demo sites)
                │   └── Licensing               -   (License details for WoodPecker®)