Sass Variables Documentation

Sass Variables Documentation

Source: components/short-codes/_animations.scss, line 5

3.1 Animations

Various Classes that can be used for animations

Class Utility
wdpk-fadeInRightBig Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeInUp Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeInUpBig Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOut Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutDown Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutDownBig Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutLeftBig Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutRightBig Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutUp Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-fadeOutUpBig Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-flipInX Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-flipInY Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-flipOutX Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-flipOutY Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-lightSpeedIn Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-lightSpeedOut Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateIn Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateInDownLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateInDownRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateInUpLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateInUpRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateOut Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateOutDownLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateOutDownRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateOutUpLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rotateOutUpRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-hinge Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rollIn Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-rollOut Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomIn Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomInDown Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomInLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomInRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomInUp Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomOut Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomOutDown Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomOutLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomOutRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-zoomOutUp Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideInDown Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideInLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideInRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideInUp Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideOutDown Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideOutLeft Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideOutRight Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here
wdpk-slideOutUp Check the animations on the following link Check All Animations Here

Source: globals/_default-styling-wdpk.scss, line 8

3.2 Global Classes

Classes that can be assigned to any component thoughout the theme and have been defined with a Global Scope in the theme.

Class Utility
wdpk-facebook Class assigned to facebook icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-twitter Class assigned to twitter icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-google Class assigned to Google icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-youtube Class assigned to YouTube icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-linkedin Class assigned to LinkedIn icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-behance Class assigned to Behance icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-dribble Class assigned to Dribble icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-pinterest Class assigned to Pinterest icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network
wdpk-rss Class assigned to RSS icon to assign the set backgrodun color for the social network

Source: components/header/_header-main.scss, line 5

3.3 Header Classes

Classes for Header

Class Utility
wdpk-header-container This is a mandatory class for the header which encapsulates the Primary Menu , Topbar as well as the Bottom Bar
wdpk-navbar Main class for creating a primary menu in the header
wdpk-nav-wrap Class used for wrapping a div around the primary menu and assigns important layout properties
wdpk-menu-extras Class assigned to the dic around the extras in the primary menu. Extras include links with Icon such as Social Links, Cart Link, Search Link etc
wdpk-menu-cart Class Assign specifically to the Shopping cart item in the header
wdpk-menu-cart-items Class assigned to the number of items being displayed on the shopping cart icon
wdpk-menu-search Class assigned to the search icon in the header
wdpk-menu-extra-item Every item in the extras section needs to have this class to inherit the properties set in SCSS variables
wdpk-nav-branding Class assigned to the wraopper around the logo in the primary menu
wdpk-menu The parent wrapper class assigned to the dropdown menu ul element which is a child element of one of the li elements in the primary menu
wdpk-hasDropdown Identifier class to signal the existence of a dropdown menu for an item. Must be assigned to all the elements of the primary menu which have a dropdwon menu
wdpk-menu-container The container class for the dropdown menu which inherits the style properties from SCSS
wdpk-dropDown The class for dropdwon 'ul' element which further has list items
wdpk-dropDown-item The class assigned to each dropdown element in the dropdown menu to inherit the properties of assigned to drodpwn elements in SCSS
wdpk-hasSubMenu Assigned to each <a> tag in dropdown menu which has a sub dropdown menu

Source: components/header/_top-bar.scss, line 5

3.3 Topbar Classes

Classes for Topbar. There are specific classes for certain social networks to assign background colors. Classes with same properties can be created to add any social network of your choice.

Class Utility
wdpk-topbar-wrapper Class for the wrapping div of the Topbar
wdpk-topbar-item Class for the each item of the Topbar
wdpk-topbar-menu Class assigned to the menu of the Topbar
wdpk-facebook Class assigned to facebook icon in the Topbar
wdpk-twitter Class assigned to twitter icon in the Topbar
wdpk-google Class assigned to Google icon in the Topbar
wdpk-youtube Class assigned to YouTube icon in the Topbar
wdpk-linkedin Class assigned to LinkedIn icon in the Topbar
wdpk-behance Class assigned to Behance icon in the Topbar
wdpk-dribble Class assigned to Dribble icon in the Topbar
wdpk-pinterest Class assigned to Pinterest icon in the Topbar
wdpk-rss Class assigned to RSS icon in the Topbar

Source: components/header/_mega-menu.scss, line 5

3.4 Mega Menu Classes

Classes for Mega Menu

Class Utility
wdpk-has-mega-menu Applied to primary menu li which nests the Mega Menu
wdpk-mega-menu When applied to the .wdpk-menu-container class makes the converts the container into a Mega Menu and pick up properties related to Mega Menu from SCSS
wdpk-mega-menu-wrapper The wrapper class for Mega Menu, child of the .wdpk-mega-menu class
wdpk-mega-menu-section Class added to each section of the Mega Menu
wdpk-mega-title The class applied to Mega Menu title

Source: components/header/_mobile-header.scss, line 5

3.5 Mobile Header Classes

Classes for Mobile Header

Class Utility
wdpk-mobile-header Added to the container div of the mobile header
wdpk-menu-icon Class for the mobile menu toggle icon in the mobile header
wdpk-mobile-header-branding Class for the logo of the mobile header

Source: components/header/_offcanvas.scss, line 9

3.6 Offcanvas Menu Classes

Classes for Offcanvas Menu

Class Utility
wdpk-offCanvas Class added to the the navbar to enable the offcanvas menu on the mobile
wdpk-offcanvas-plus Added to the + icon container for toggling the menu items
wdpk-social-offcanvas Added to social icons on the offcanvas menu
wdpk-offcanvas-overlay Class added to the overlay element of the offcanvas menu

Source: components/short-codes/_sidebar.scss, line 5

3.7 Sidebar Classes

Classes for Sidebar.

Class Utility
wdpk-sidebar Parent class assigned to the wrapper div of the sidebar
wdpk-sidebar-section Class assigned to each section of the sidebar
wdpk-sidebar-left Assign this class to the wrapper div if the sidebar is on the left side
wdpk-sidebar-right Assign this class to the wrapper div if the sidebar is on the right side

Source: components/header/_sticky.scss, line 5

3.8 Sticky Navbar Classes

Classes for Sticky Navbar

Class Utility
.wdpk-sticky-navbar When applied to the .wdpk-navbar class makes the Navbar Sticky and applies Stikcy Navbar Properties defined in SCSS

Source: components/header/_transparent.scss, line 5

3.9 Transparent Navbar Classes

Classes for Sticky Navbar

Class Utility
.wdpk-transparent-navbar When applied to the .wdpk-navbar class makes the Navbar Transparent. The font properties can be set to match the transpareent Navbar using the Navigation Variables in SCSS